Portal nr 1 w powiecie bolesławieckim
REKLAMAEfekt-Okna zaprasza
REKLAMA Bricomarche zaprasza
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Nowy budynek dla Szpitala św. Łukasza w Bolesławcu
~~Złotawobrązowa Celozja niezalogowany
9 listopada 2023r. o 1:50
~~Czarniawy Lilak napisał(a): '''Poseł PiS Arkadiusz Mularczyk złożył do Prokuratury Rejonowej w Muszynie zawiadomienie o możliwości popełnienia przestępstwa przez prezydenta Nowego Sącza Ludomira Handzla. Mularczyk zarzuca mu działanie na szkodę interesu publicznego, przekroczenie i nadużycie uprawnień oraz zaufania.''

coś mi to przypomina...;D

''...działanie na szkodę interesu publicznego, przekroczenie i nadużycie uprawnień oraz zaufania.''
a wam ''po pierwsze mieszkańcy''? ;D

To też tak się skończy...jak" kariera" Syna Barczykowej i jej:)...
Zgłoś do moderacji Odpowiedz
~~Zaciekawiony niezalogowany
10 listopada 2023r. o 7:20
Ciekawe kto to wygrał.
Zgłoś do moderacji Odpowiedz
~~Andrewwonse niezalogowany
10 listopada 2023r. o 7:35
https://etsy.me/3MDQUY2 - Unlocking Your Best Year Yet: The Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar ...

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards personal transformation, spiritual growth, and living a life aligned with your higher self? The Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar is your passport to an extraordinary year filled with self-discovery, authenticity, and positive change.

In this blog article, we will take you on a tour of the wonderful benefits of using this unique calendar and how it can help you make 2024 your best year yet.

1. Daily Dose of Wisdom and Inspiration

The Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar is not your typical day planner. It's a profound source of daily wisdom and inspiration. Each day, you'll find thoughtfully curated quotes and insights based on the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of "The Four Agreements." These quotes will set a positive tone for your day, helping you stay motivated and focused on your personal growth journey.

2. A Tool for Self-Reflection

One of the calendar's key features is its self-reflection prompts. Every month, you'll receive a fresh set of thought-provoking questions and challenges designed to encourage self-inquiry. These prompts allow you to dive deep into your thoughts and feelings, helping you gain clarity and self-awareness.

3. Aligning with Your Higher Self

The Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar is based on the four agreements presented by Don Miguel Ruiz:

- Be Impeccable with Your Word: Learn to speak with honesty and integrity, both to yourself and others. This agreement teaches you the power of your words and the importance of keeping your promises.

- Don't Take Anything Personally: Discover the freedom that comes from not being affected by the opinions and actions of others. This agreement encourages emotional resilience and helps you build a stronger sense of self.

- Don't Make Assumptions: Say goodbye to misunderstandings and conflicts by learning to communicate clearly and ask for what you need. This agreement fosters healthier relationships and connections.

- Always Do Your Best: Make a commitment to give your best effort in everything you do. This agreement helps you strive for excellence and maintain balance in your life.

4. Monthly Affirmations

Each month, you'll receive a powerful affirmation related to the monthly agreement. These affirmations are designed to help you integrate the principles into your daily life. They serve as a reminder of your commitment to living authentically and aligning with your higher self.

5. Your Year of Authentic Living

By following the guidance of the Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar, you'll be on a journey towards authentic living. You'll gain insights into your true self, learn how to handle life's challenges with grace, and create meaningful connections with those around you. Your inner wisdom will grow, and your path will be illuminated by the light of self-discovery.

6. Start Anytime

The Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar is designed to be flexible. You can start your transformative journey at any time during the year. Whether you begin on January 1st or in the middle of July, the calendar is here to support you on your path to personal growth.

In summary, the Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar is a powerful tool for anyone seeking a year of personal transformation, spiritual growth, and authentic living. With daily wisdom, self-reflection prompts, and monthly affirmations, it provides a roadmap for aligning with your higher self. If you're ready to make 2024 your best year yet, consider bringing this unique calendar into your life.

Unlock the potential of your higher self and start living your most authentic life with the Higher-Self Alignment 2024 Calendar.

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~~Oberżynowa Rozplenica niezalogowany
10 listopada 2023r. o 14:53

Rzeczywistość jest inne niż Barczyka bajki..
Zgłoś do moderacji Odpowiedz
~~Tabaczkowa Cykoria niezalogowany
12 listopada 2023r. o 0:06
~~Kasztanowy Tulipan napisał(a):
Ktoś napisał: ~~Pomarańczowoczerwona Bylica napisał(a): Tam gdzie Barczyk i jego Mama zawsze sà dziwne sytuację
Ktoś napisał: ~~Pomarańczowoczerwona Bylica napisał(a): Tam gdzie Barczyk i jego Mama zawsze sà dziwne sytuację

Krótko i na temat....

Niestety tak...flauta finansowa nadciaga
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REKLAMA Villaro zaprasza